Pune's Non-Resident Indians' Parents' Organisation (NRIPO), founded in 1994 by Late Mr. N.L. Abhyankar, a retired High Court Judge  , has grown into the largest such association with over 1000 members, including   eminent scientists Dr.Jayant Narlikar and Dr R.M. Mashelkar
The association has tied up with 16 of Pune's leading hospitals, where members can simply produce an  Identity card and  get admitted at any hour of the day without paying a cash deposit. What's more,  help is  available  right  within the   association—there are doctors among them to advise on health, and legal experts  to guide on preparation of  will, asset and  property management through the association's 'Will-and-After'  cell. Under its innovative 'One-by-Two' initiative,  every ailing member receives care from two members who  live nearby. NRIPO even organises foreign trips    and stages entertainment programmes. "Weeks of spirited preparations keep them occupied and motivated," revealed Late Mr. Kumar Kiwalkar, Past President.
To many such parents NRIPO is like an extended family, which steps in when the   unexpected   happens. Nothing thaws such parents from the cold realities of empty nests like lack of warmth  and  emotional  support  that NRIPO provides. 
 Pune is all set to become the headquarters of nine units of NRI Parents' Organisations  in the country.  NRIPO, Pune, has taken an initiative to form a confederation (CONRIPO) of all such units functioning at  Ahmedabad, Baroda, Aurangabad ,Coimbatore and other centers. 
While the process is expected to be completed in the near future, "with CONRIPO in place, we will be able to  voice our opinions and pursue various domestic  and      international issues confronting such parents on a  common united platform",  said Mr. Nandkumar Swadi,President, NRIPO, Pune. 
Issues like discrimination experienced by parents at international airports, atorocities committed on NRI's and other similar issues concerning NRIs' parents and  NRIs' are proposed to be represented through  CONRIPO.   

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